Hotel and Website Accessibility
Hotel and Website Accessibility
At El Pueblo Inn, we make sure every guest enjoys a comfortable, safe, and seamless experience. We offer hotel and website accessibility features so that each guest can experience the best of what we offer.
Please feel free to look at the details below to see how we can meet your needs. If you have questions, call us at 707-996-3651 or email us at
Hotel Accessibility
Hotel Accessibility Features
- Fire alarms for the audio & visually impaired
- Accessible entrance without stairs
- Accessible doorways for all public spaces
- Accessible covered area for pickup and drop-off
- Accessible self-parking
- Accessible valet parking
- Accessible parking spots
- Van-accessible parking spots
- 20 Accessible parking spots
- All accessible parking spaces are closest to the restaurant entrance
- Non-slip entrance ramp
- Ramps have sturdy railings, accessible landings
- Service Animals Accepted
- Alternative and/or large lettering on public signage
- Accessible path to check-in
- Accessible path to guest rooms
- Accessible path for all public spaces
- Accessible elevator
- Accessible public bathroom
- Accessible path to maneuver in the fitness center
- Accessible desks in the business center
- 7 Accessible Guest Rooms
- Roll-in Shower
- Hearing and visual accessibility kits for guest rooms are available at check-in
- Visual Strobe Fire & Smoke Detector
- Audible fire/smoke detectors
- TV has closed captioning or decoders
- Viewports are lowered on the door
- Thermostat controls are lowered on the wall
- Light switches are lowered on the wall
- Closet bars & shelves sit equal to or lower than 36 inches above the ground
- Accessible shelving is 39 inches above the ground
- Grab bars at the toilet
- Grab bars in the shower and/or tub
- Accessible faucet controls
- Handheld spray unit in the shower and/or tub
- Shower/tub seat available
- Accessible toe & knee clearance around the desk
- Accessible toe & knee clearance around the sink/vanity
- The doorway is 35 inches wide
- A wide path between and/or around beds
- Door & Lock System: Ving Keycard
- Room placard has alternative text
- Fire alarms for the audio & visually impaired
- Service Animals Accepted
- Alternative or Large Lettering on All Signage
- Van-accessible parking spots
- 20 accessible parking spots
- All accessible parking spaces are closest to the restaurant entrance
- Accessible without stairs
- Firm, slip-resistant, and wide
- Free of objects protruding into the space
- Accessible ramp for the entrance
- The entrance ramp is non-slip
- The ramps have sturdy railings and accessible landings
- Accessible entrance without stairs
- Signage identifying the location of the accessible entrance
- The entrance door is at least 32 inches wide,
- The entrance door has at least 18 inches of wall clearance on the pull side of the door and a threshold less than 3/4 of an inch high
- The restaurant has carpet with a pile that is less than 1/2-inch high
- The carpet is securely installed to minimize tripping hazards
- The entrance door handle is no more than 48 inches high and operable with a closed fist with minimal force
- The entrance door is automatic and takes at least 3 seconds to close
- Aisles of at least 36 inches between fixed seating
- Accessible seating is distributed throughout the dining area
- Accessible tables and counters are between 28 inches and 34 inches high
- The cashier counter is no more than 36 inches high
- Accessible tables and counters have knee space at least 27 inches high x 30 inches wide x 19 inches deep
- Food-ordering & pickup counters are no more than 36 inches high and/or have space for passing items to customers
- Accessible public restroom
- Signage indicating the location of accessible restrooms
- Pictograms/symbols and raised lettering on restroom doors
- Restroom entrance doorways are at least 32 inches wide, have accessible handles no higher than 48 inches from the ground
- Restroom entrance doors operate with minimal force
- Accessible restrooms with adequate maneuvering space
- Pathways of at least 36 inches to all fixtures
- Stall doors are operable with a closed fist
- Restroom stall with sufficient maneuvering space
- Accessible stall with grab bars near the toilet
- Toilet seats that are 17 to 19 inches high
- Space of at least 30 inches wide x 48 inches deep in front of the restroom sink
- The restroom sink rim is equal to or less than 34 inches high
- At least 29 inches of space from the floor to the bottom of the sink
- Sink faucets, soap dispensers, and hand dryers can be operated with a closed fist
- The restroom mirror has reflection surfaces at or below 48 inches from the ground
Website Accessibility
Accessibility Statement for El Pueblo Inn
Date: 2/27/2024 This is an accessibility statement from El Pueblo InnMeasures to support accessibility
El Pueblo Inn takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of El Pueblo Inn:- Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods.
Conformance status
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. El Pueblo Inn is fully conformant with WCAG 2.2 Level AA. Fully conformant means that the content fully conforms to the accessibility standard without any exceptions.Feedback
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of El Pueblo Inn. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on El Pueblo Inn:- Phone: (707) 996-3651
- Business Address: 896 W Napa St, Sonoma, California 95476
Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology
El Pueblo Inn is designed to be compatible with the following assistive technologies:- Firefox – view additional accessibility features here
- Chrome – view additional Google accessibility features here
- Internet Explorer – view additional ease of access options here
- Microsoft Edge – view additional accessibility features here
- Safari – view Apple accessibility features here
- Older web browsers: Content may not function correctly on older versions of web browsers that lack support for modern web standards, HTML5 features, or CSS3 properties. Examples: Internet Explorer 6-8, and versions of Firefox, Safari, or Chrome no longer supported by the creators (typically up to two previous versions).
- Non-standard browser configurations: Uncommon browser configurations, such as highly customized settings, extensions, or experimental features, may conflict with certain web content or accessibility tools.
Technical specifications
Accessibility of El Pueblo Inn relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:- HTML
- JavaScript
Limitations and alternatives
Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of El Pueblo Inn, there may be some limitations based on third party entities that are providing data into the site. Please contact us if you observe an issue.Assessment approach
This website was assessed for accessibility by the following approaches:- Self-evaluation at site launch
- External evaluation: a recurring automated check via API providing tests for WCAG 2.2 specifications. Ongoing testing was conducted on: 02/05/2025; 01/06/2025; 12/01/2024; 11/25/2024; 11/07/2024; 10/03/2024; 09/04/2024; 08/01/2024; 07/02/2024; 06/03/2024; 05/02/2024; 04/01/2024; 03/01/2024; 02/27/2024